Wednesday, August 31, 2005

More Time on My Hands...

than I seem to know what to do with. A little strange considering I have so much to do. I've gotten a few things taken care of:

30 day notice at work CHECK
30 day notice at my Apt CHECK
interviews scheduled for the 9th CHECK
packing started CHECK

So why do I feel so usless?
I've got exactly 30 days until I move back to Southern California, and I can't wait. Time seems to be standing still, though speeding by...if that makes any sense?
I think alot of it has to do with my lack of social life. I'm a VERY social person. I normally boast a pretty full schedule. Dates, going out, alot of friends...but as I near the end of my life here in Las Vegas that all seems to be comming to an end. Granted, I haven't been putting myself out there lately. Haven't hit any clubs, haven't been to the Strip(I hardly ever go there), damn...I haven't even gone out to shoot pool...which used to be my pasttime playing in my league. So I guess the shortage of social life(and booty) is realistically my own fault. You have to get out there, be a part of the social scene(at least date) to keep up with the Jones'.

When I put my mind to something, I'm focused. Now that I am geared up to move, I want to get out of here so badly that it is making me crazy. So I try to take care of shit, get things ready. Pack, work on the garage. And basically become a hermit.
Now don't get me wrong. I have people over pretty often. We BBQ, rent movies...swim, have a few drinks. I haven't completly cut myself off from friends, just the outside world...Las Vegas.
It's hard to meet new boys, and have a sex life...when u never meet anyone new, and the old seems to have gotten stale.

I'm missing being at Burning Man bigtime. I keep thinking about how much fun everyone is having. The new exciting people they are meeting...
I've actually even been tossing around going to the
Fantasy Fetish Ball this weekend. Another event I usually go to every year. Fun and exciting, but kinda of one of those things that used to be FANTASTIC but slowly sensorship is killing. Last yeat at the HALLOWEEN BALL there were signs posted "NO NUDITY" and "PEOPLE DISPLAYING LEWD ACTS WILL BE TOSSED OUT ON THEIR ASSES".
What is the "Fantasy Fetish Ball" if not about nudity and lewd acts??
Tisk tisk.
If u don't want to see that kind of stuff displayed, go to Chuck E Cheese's.
With that in mind, the thought of spending over $80 to step in the door to endure what other than the costumes, would be like any other club in Las Vegas(yes...I've been to them all) seems rather ridiculous.
Plus I've already packed all of my Burning Man/Fetish Ball/ Halloween Costumes.

To much effort with too much on my mind at the moment.
I keep telling myself that I can wait it out the month til I move.

Then again, my mind agrees, but my body doesn't.
I'm not used to going without sex for long periods. A month is my max, usually a week or two.
I'm above and beyond that at this point, more like 6 weeks...
No wonder I can't sleep!


FantasticAlice said...

Hope all your moving goes smooothly. For us hectic social people I really have found that blogging is a great way to "see" people.

If you go to the fantasty fetish ball please post about it! I have always heard about it and would KILL to go.

sammie said...

Oh it is pretty amazing (I've been to the Ball about three or four times) Though not on the same level as BURNING MAN it still ranks up there on MAXIM'S list of 10 things u must do before u die. GUess I better stop doing them all, or my time might be UP!

I'll probably skip it, but I'll go next year. And YES, if ANYTHING exciting happens in my life I'll be sure to post about it!!!

livewell said...

There is nothing permanent but change.
Glad to hear that you are changing and adapting as nothing happens by accident. You must live life on purpose.

Unknown said...

LOL...chucky cheese and the fetish ball in the same post..

sammie said...


Does anyone else think the person who invented Chuck E Cheese ought to be SHOT?!?!
As a mother of three I have personally been there at least 100 times due to my kids and their friends.
Every time someone mentioned a "party" the voice in side my head would scream "PLEASE NOT CHUCK E CHEESE'S!!"

man oh man, talk about kid overload!

FantasticAlice said...

What??? No cardboard pizza and a 6 foot tall rat?

Yeah, it can go.

sammie said...

HELL NO! I can't tell u HOW MANY times I have been in there only to witness how many people just DO NOT WATCH THEIR's pretty revolting actually. Kinda shows the state of parenting these days.
I constantly think...if that was me, my dad would be beating MY ASS...which in turn has always been a MAJOR motivation in making sure that I parent my kids in a way so that people don't look at THEM thinking what I think when I look at these kids.

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