Before i move, I have ALOT on my mind. So bear with me as I vent(and move on to my SECOND post of the day).
My youngest Drew started the 8th grade yesterday. It pains me to not be able to be there for him. He's never started a new school year without me, let alone a completely new school, in a completely new state. So I feel bad. I guess he is a big boy now, time to cut those apron strings(everyone says he is a momma's boy) Though I must admit my sadness came from the sadness in HIS voice Tuesday night. I cant move fast enough.....36 days and counting. So much on my mind, so much in my brain....
So my house is full, though at times empty. I just miss my kids plain and simple. Never really been without them. I can't wait to get back into the normal routine of school and sports. It' been a long time. Though Im NOT looking forward to dealing with the X on a regular basis. I hate to say it, but he is just an idiot.
He calls me yesterday(on my cell while Im still at work, mind you) to talk to me about getting Carina(my 17 yr old) into adult ED. She is working full time, kinda blew her school stuff last year, and at the moment all I care about is her GRADUATIING on time.
So here he is, IN OXNARD...calling ME in VEGAS, asking ME what to do??
You fucking moran, figure it out.
I mean, if I can go online...or call from here, can't he do the same thing from there?? All he is doing is giving our daughter a hard time about EVERYTHING, and I think to myself "Communicating with yr kids ISNT that difficult" So in the middle of this conversation(where I basically tell him, nicely of course, NOT TO BOTHER...I'll be there the weekend of the 8th and I will take care of it..she doesnt want to deal with him anyhow) I tell him that Drew had a WONDERFUL first day of school (he was VERY apprehensive the night before and called me 6 times, where-in I told him that I went to that school, his dad went to that school, Uncle Chris went to that school...and to think, everytime u run the track, go through the halls, go into the office....I was in those places, doing the same as him...gave him some relief I think)
His responce was...
and then......"What?"
I repeat myself. "Your SON had a great first day at school"
Rick: "Oh, today was Andrews first day of school?"
How many ways can u BEAT a man????
Nice to know while u are hounding me for info on Carina, that u have NO CLUE whats going on with yr son. How can u be 2 minutes from him(while Im 400 miles away) and NOT know when he is starting school.
2nd of all, considering he was sooooo stressed about it, how could u not BE THERE for him??
I give up!!!!!!!
I have come to terms with the way this man parents our children, and I often wonder how I ever was married to him for 12 yrs. Sometimes it astounds me. But it still breaks my heart when it hurts my kids.
What do u do?? cant shoot him, but cant DEAL with him either.
And if I didn't have to deal with him regarding my kids, I wouldn't.
At the end of the day "co-parenting" isn't optional. It is something I have opted out of by living in a different state for the last 6 yrs. Guess it's time to pay the piper, and learn to live with it. Live with it with Grace and Dignity, and once again practice always being the bigger person (which I always do) Even when U just want to be a BITCH and tell him to GET IT TOGETHER FOR ONCE...for the sake of his kids.
why did that come up as anonymous?
I've been playing with this blog for a month. My laptop was stolen so Im kinda just messing with is at work and learning some of the HTML's so that I can get it to do what I want. As always...everything in my life is a work in progress. Good Luck!
I appreciate yr feedback, but please stop using my blog to advertise.
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