and one of them is I'm becoming addicted to Blogs. Ha ha ha
Not really, but it IS nice to come back after the weekend and "catch up" on what everyone in the blogging world has been up to!
I've been talking to a good friend of mine about the whole "relationship" issue alot lately.
During a phone conversation, with us bantering back and forth, he pops off with "Sambo, I just don't see u as the romantic type". (Now with a nickname like "Sambo" one he gave me, I wonder why..ha ha ha)
On one hand, I DO see his point. You see, on the outside...and to most people I talk too...I'm the GET THE BOOTY kind of girl. I mean, I know what I want(and it usually consists of a piece of ASS) and I go after it.
I'm the girl that ALWAYS has a booty boy, and unless Im in a completely committed relationship....I like to think of myself a as "Free Agent" one that can do what(and who) she wants. Much to the dismay of some men I hang out with.
Does this make me "unromantic"?
Or realistic?
I mean, don't get me wrong, I like to love and be loved as much as the next person. But after being divorced 8-9 years ago, I've learned to be more choosy. Learned to not take crap that I don't like, and learned that just because I "like" someone(or might want to screw them)....Doesn't mean I want to date them. There within lies the "unromantic" notion about me. Now...I've been reading about women similar to myself on CHubbyChocolate and InsaneBlackWoman and one has to wonder....
Does a woman become "unromantic" because she knows what she wants....?
Does a woman become "unromantic" when she takes on the "traditional male role" and uses a man for sex?
Because she doesn't kid herself into believing that her "knight in shining armor" is going to ride by and sweep her off of her feet at any moment?
Excuse me if I'm a bit confused(and no Mr. X I didn't take particular offense to this comment, just trying to clarify a common misconception for most of us women who don't "need" a man)over all of this...
I mean, personally, in my core...I'm about as romantic as they come....
I like the feeling of butterflies in my stomach, goosebumps on my arms...the fluttering in my chest when the phone rings and it is that special person...I like to hold hands, and make out like teenagers...fuck in bathrooms because we can't keep our hands off eachother and can't wait til we get home....
All of it. The whole Ball of Wax....
definitely a Romantic...
But do I have "romance" in my daily life at the
And the reason for that? Because when I go on a date...I know if there is chemistry or not(and yes sir...after u have been divorced more than a year, and gone on more than a few dates with a few women...u will too) I know pretty much right off the bat if this person in front of me is someone I can actually see myself spending any length of time with? And not just some company because I am lonely? In about two minutes flat, I know if this is someone I will pursue with romantic interest....or AEROBIC interest. And therewithin lies the difference between us "Booty" women and "Romantic" women. If I seriously considered dating these men(which I know I have nothing in common with) I would be considered romantic. But because I call it as I see it, and go the other route....I drop a peg or two on the romantic level. Well worth it all things considered. Wasting time with some mediocre date for the sake of "dating" is way off my scale of FUN THINGS TO DO.
Even if we "get along" and "have fun"....what is it that makes THIS date different than any other?? If there isn't
something profoundly different, if there isn't that "chemistry" then Im glad that I know myself well enough to not just settle. And in all honesty...through all of the things I have learned in this thing called life, this is one of the things I'm the most proud of. Knowing myself well enough to know that I'm just fine alone. Knowing that I don't "need" a man to survive, but that I DO need the things a man can physically offer.
Knowing that just because I "like" someone, doesn't mean that I will love them...and knowing the difference between "compatibility" and "chemistry". Knowing not to jump off that ledge(just yet) and knowing that taking my time getting to know someone now...will save me a lot of trouble later.
So the next time u see the "booty gurl" don't just easily dismiss her as the "non-romantic"type.
Because sometimes...all that simply means is that she knows herself better than most people do, and at the end of the day...
I'd much rather be the "booty girl that knows what she wants" than the "Romantic girl that thinks every man is THE ONE"
Nuff said!
Greetings Samantha --
Here is your horoscope for Monday, August 29:
There's nothing wrong with browsing, especially if you're not ready to buy. Ignore any and all pressure coming at you to make a decision. You'll do this when you're good and ready, and not before.
think this is talking about MEN??
Ahhhhha. So that's how it works. You've done a great public service here, Sammie.
Not doing a service, just my own personal perception of myself...
Women in general as they get older I think. So I thought u were on vacation or something? Back already? Nice post by yr son btw.
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