Sitting here at work, bored. CMT is on the TV in the lobby and Im feeling all warm and gushy inside(maybe I drank too much last night? he he)
Listening to Country music always makes me feel so damn sentimental...
I'm sitting here at work and this music makes me want to go buy a house in the country. I'm really a rock gurl at heart...but I have had my own short lived love affair with country music. When we work on Saturdays Gina takes control of the remote to the two tv's in our lobby and country music rings though the office. Its a weird feeling that washes over me. Seems there is a country song for everything in life, which might be part of the reason it always makes me feel so safe, so family oriented...and so comfortable. As much as I try to hide the fact that I am comforted by this....its still there in the back of my mind. Wierd the feelings that wash over you.
So on another wierd note, I have recently made a friend in OK. Today as Im sitting here Gina calls me over to look at her computer screen. She has family in OK. and she has been talking about moving there for the past few years. She shows me this AMAZING house ...more like a mansion. Beautiful, huge yard, corner lot....bathrooms that make u want to live in them....
and then she scrolls down to the cost.....
Utterly amazing! Makes me think if I EVER want to be able to afford to buy my own house that I ought to be moving in the opposite direction!
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