Saturday, August 06, 2005


and emotions don't go together, then again neither do drinking and the next morning..haha
I've had alot on my emotional plate lately. Sometimes just kicking off the 'ol shoes and knockin back a few helps me release some of that pressure I feel building up around my brain.
So last night my frend came over and we proceeded to get tipsy...veryyyyyy tipsy.
Felt good, it was nice to talk and get a few things out. Talked to my brother too, got the little "You can do it Sister" pep talk about moving. Just knowing that my brother, parents and kids are SO ready for me to move makes me that much more motivated to push harder to get the F#%@ out of here.
Time to push the petal to the metal and "Git 'er done"
So here I go with my lists...
I'm feeling much better. Now if only I could get offa work and go home and NAP!

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