Thursday, August 18, 2005

So Funny..

That it seems no matter WHAT is going on in my horoscopes just seem so insightful.
I have been SO busy lately faxing off my resume, starting to pack, looking for a place to live, getting letters of reccomendation...that I have seriously let everything else in my life fall oto the wayside. I've been on my phone so much making mandatory calls, that I hardly want to pick it up for social calls. So sorry to everyone that is near and dear to me.

My horoscope for today:

Greetings Samantha

--Here is your horoscope for Thursday, August 18:

Feeling nervous? Shake it off. That slight sense of anxiety is just a leftover sensation from how hard you've been working. Schedule in some downtime for yourself, and stick to it no matter what.

So I've decided to do just that. When? No idea. And what? No idea there either.
Tonight Mike is comming over so that we can go shopping for fabric. I promised him I would sew him some costumes for Burning Man . I was supposed to be going with him, but with the move I will have to skip this year(which is heartbreaking in itself!!!!) I highly recommend going at least once in yr lifetime! BM for me, but I will still hold true to my promise and make his costumes. We met for lunch to buy fabric and ended up doing lunch instead of shopping. So funny, once we get to talking we don't get much else done. He keeps teasing that he is going to move with me and be my houseboy. Gotta love him! to figuring out how to get a lil R&R in the midst of this thing I call life.
My co-worker is taking me to Thunder From Down Under for a going away present (me personally, I don't go for all the guys in THONGS...just not my style) Which should be fun, more for the "gurls night" quality than anything else...
Time is a tickin away faster than I would have thought!!!
44 days and counting!

I get my horoscope from more than one place, here is what my other one says:

Now is no time to sell yourself short. Today, you'll discover that you have what it takes to promote yourself and your ideas more aggressively


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