Friday, August 19, 2005

Something Different...

I'm starting to try to figure out more about this Blogging thing. As I browse through other people's sites I realize that there is alot that can be done to make this spot more my own. I've been so busy(and having my laptop stolen isn't helping in wanting to work on the comptuer) that I haven't thought about it much. So I will make little changes one at a time. So many idea's and such a procrastinator!!!!
In reading a good friends blog I jumped to someone who had posted a comment and got involved in her blog. She was talking about people in America. And as sad as it is to say, I totally agree with alot of what she said. The way people percieve "Americans" in appalling.
I am American, born and raised.
I don't consider myself to fall under the catagory that most people put us in. I am polite. I Love people, I can get along with a wall (if it would only talk back) Im very laid back and easy going...and low maintenance. Which I know is hard to believe because SO many woman aren't.
I agreed with her generilazation of most American men. I don't want a man prettier than me...
I don't want a man that is more dramatic than me, someone who will hog up the mirror, or take longer than me to get ready...someone who cant just walk out the door without primping....

It's so funny the way I seem to happen upon something that totally applies to my day to day living at the moment.
I'm dealing with what she was talking about as I type.
I came into work today....43 days until my move.
We have three offices. Today my supervisor comes in and as I go to walk out of the office she says "Sam, come in and close the door"
uh oh.
That always gets me, I feel like a small child waiting to be scolded...internally thinking "what did I do?" She proceeds to tell me, that two of our co-workers what work in our other office have been at each others throats. Two days ago they had a confrontation which escalated in the lobby of our very professional practice. This morning she took the two of them to Starbucks and tried to have an intervention. Nothing was resolved. One of them said if they had to stay in the situation....she would walk. My boss freaked. She said "Sam, Im having enough trouble trying to find someone to replace you, I can't afford to loose two people" and then she followed it up with "Do u think u can start working at the other office until u move"
I have been working at the same office for 5 years. The people I work with are like my family.
Leaving my job(and subsequently the people I work with) is the ONLY downfall to me moving back to Southern California.
I LOVE my co-workers.
What's a gurl to do?
Of course, I said whatever is best for the practice, I don't want my boss in a bind.
But the more I think about it, the MADDER it makes me.
I mean...these women, are employees. Neither one of them is irreplaceable. They have worked together for 2 years. They are just being impossible. Makes me think...who is the boss?? And if these women value their job, shouldn't they be able to put aside their differences for their job?
I mean we all end up, at some point, working with someone we don't particularily like. But we aren't 12, so we work around it, and make it work. Why is it O.K. to be impossible in the workplace. And what is allowing someone to be impossible...saying to our other employees?
If u dont get yr way, and u can't get along...we will move u around(regardless of the people who ARE and HAVE been functioning for years) until u find yr nitch?

So here I sit, packing up MY desk....moving out of my place....
Being the better person that I always try to be...
Doing what is the best for everyone around me(though not always what I want)
Being that American that is unlike alot of other Americans.
Maybe I ought to move to a different country...if that is where everyone is nicer.
Everyone in the office is filing past my desk (after my boss put out the email making everyone aware of the change) and emailing me. I'm already getting hugs and being made to CRY. It's like I moving today instead of 43 days from now.
This isn't something I was prepared for....

Ok, enough ranting....just had to get that off of my chest.
I wonder what my horoscope says for today??


The Guidepoint Guy said...

Nice blog, which I wandered onto by way of DR68. That's good advice, by the way. Don't unpack. Hell, don't even take the boxes with you.

sammie said...

Thank you for yr support...both of you. Muaaaaaaaaaaaaaah to Rowdy and as for dwg, thx for stopping by, hope to see u again! Im at my first official day at my new stay tuned!