Sunday, September 11, 2005

I've been trying....

To avoid posting about the tragedy in New Orleans. Not for any particular reason, other than sadness. And probably because everyone and their brother is posting about it. But I just read a post that angered me. A few actually. It always astounds me that people who #1 aren't there and #2 haven't ever been in a life or death situation
seem to always have a bad opinion about these poor suffering people.

I think the ENTIRE thing could have been alot less traumatic if the "powers that be" had done their job.
Now Im not here to "bash" anyone. But I am a little upset by the entire thing.

I mean, it's New Orleans. A low income state. Alot of poverty...alot of poor people...
but since when does the word "poor" mean that no one cares?
I'm still struggling within my head over this. I mean....we supposedly live in the best country in the world. And if that is the case...I am wondering HOW this happened?

We knew the hurricane was comming...
We knew it had the possibility to wipe out the state...
We KNEW that there were 100,000 people who lived in poverty and had no way out...

100,000 people with no way out. 100,000 people with no way out. 100,000 people with no way out. 100,000 people with NO WAY OUT!

If "we" knew, than I'm assuming the government knew, the state knew...everyone knew.
It was all over the news. People were then WHY WERE PEOPLE LEFT?
I've read things with people saying "Well, they all knew it was comming...if they stayed, then
O'WELL they deserved it"
How can people be so callous?
If u have no car, no and grandparents...what would u do?
I personally watched the news and saw 100's of people lining the streets waiting for someone to come get them, waiting to be helped. WAITING TO BE EVACUATED. No one came...
So there they sat.
I often wonder what some of these "higher up, uppity" people would have done if they at one point found themselves in a similar situation with no means to get out... would they blame themselves and say..."Well, we knew it was comming...we should have done something about it"
or would they finally have some sympathy for what these people have endured?
I'm broken up about the whole thing. Everyone points one finger, than another...Black, white...
poor, not poor. When to me...It's about NONE of those things...its about PEOPLE. People with families, people with children...people who have struggled their whole lives to make it on this planet, only to be let down in the final moments of tragedy by our government....It makes me wanna SCREAM!
Now comes the real test. "The Powers That Be" are going to "look into who was at fault"?????
Why should the same people who ARE at fault, be the one who get to "look into who is at fault"?? Does anyone honestly think that we are going to get any answers that way?
I'm sure at the moment, the THOUSANDS of people who have lost their loved ones...aren't caring "who is at fault" they are wishing someone was doing their job(Instead of vacationing) when tragedy struck. Wishing that someone had come to rescue them before the hurricane struck...Wishing that someone had at least come in the moments after the the first 24 hours. In the fist 48 hours....
I'm sorry, all of this "comming together" is a little to little a little to late.
Granted, it's what is needed now...but just think of how many lives it would have saved if it had happened when it SHOULD have happened.
We are ALL citizens of the U.S. and if this can happen in New can happen anywhere.
If the government can let 100,00o people sit and rot in their own shit...what makes us think that WE as a country are safe if tragedy should strike in OUR towns??
It's given me a whole new perspective on life. And on those that have something ANYTHING negative to say about those people who have endured what most of us would consider to be our worst nightmare.
So kind. Be THANKFUL that u still have a home. Thankful that u can tuck yr kids into their safe little beds in their safe little neighborhoods. Be thankful that so far the "powers that be" haven't let US down...because u just never know what will happen...
And also remember that saying...until u have walked a mile in someone's shoes...

My prayers and thoughts go out to ALL who have lost something in this tragedy. Which in reality is all of us.


Chubby Chocolate said...

THANK YOU!!!!! Finally someone got it right! :-)

It's time to get that decoding thing for your comment section or be prepared to be drowned with stupid comments.

FantasticAlice said...

Decoding thing-ie. word verfication. It's good stuff. I agree whole heartedly with you Sammie. It's a crock of shit and the people with the power to have done anything were argueing to much for who would do the work and who would control the work that should have been done that nothing ended up working out for the "poor" people that had to live through it.

I mean for gods sake agencies were turning away water at the superdome because it wasn't the water that they had specifically asked for.

Thank god for politics, with out them it would be well, anarchy.

sammie said...

Thanx guys =)
...I'm thinking that it is pretty sad at this juncture that more people don't think like we do. People look at pictures of "looting" and think "thugs" not "people who have been stranded and left to DIE trying to FEED and CLOTHE their children"

Once again "Stupid people make my head hurt...which would explain why I ALWAYS have a headache"

If someone doesn't have anything nice or constructive to say in this matter, then they are better to just keep it to themselves. I for one APPLAUDE EVERYONE who had the strength and determination to survive in conditions none of us will hopefully EVER see the likes of.

Anonymous said...

Me playing devils advocate - "What have you done for the victims so far?" blgging about it doesnt count.

sammie said...

Well if u read my blog carefully u will see that I never claimed anything one way or the other. I was talking about people badmouthing those that were caught up in the situation...
But since u have asked, I have donated $ to the American Red Cross along with my family. And scrounged through all of my closets and donated all of the clothes/shoes that my family doesn't use anymore. I also called to volunteer here in Vegas because so many people have been moved to our fair state...but with moving and working full time I just haven't been able find the time. Bad timing.

But thank u for asking.
Now turn the question around and pose it to yrself...
and give me an answer =)