Friday, September 02, 2005

And JOG I did...

This morning. I decided that I had an epiphany yesterday. Not just because of the view, but as something to do...
I woke up at 6:30 am and wanted to reset my alarm as usual so that I could sleep another 30 minutes to an hour. But I didn't. I actually got up, threw on the sweats and headed out the door to the gym. I've been promising myself to do this, for myself, for the last two months. In the midst of everything going on in my life(or lack of goins on) I have decided that taking the last 30 days before my move to GET moving would be a good idea. Good for the heart, good for the health, good for the soul...just good in general.
While I was jogging my mind started wandering to a conversation I had with my son last night. Seems that he has been having a rough time at his new school.

Being 14 isn't all it's cracked up to be. Kids can be so mean.
My son is a kind gentle soul, who loves people. He is quite a character and can make almost anyone laugh with his Jim Carey'ish nature. I've never quite understood why it always seems SO difficult for him to make friends. Neither of my other kids are like that, my daughter is the epitome of the word "popular".
So he has been telling me everyday how wonderful school has been, making sure that I don't worry about him, so I wouldn't be sad or feel bad that there is 400 miles between us. That is the kind of kid he is.
I try to tell him all of the things we as adults know. 13 is a bad age, and sometimes the only way a kid can feel good about themselves it to make someone else feel bad. I come up with every excuse for mankind...every excuse for punk kids...when in reality.....

I don't get it either.
Why do people feel the need to just be mean?
What happened to the old saying "If u don't' have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" ?
Many times in life I simply BITE my tongue because that phrase rings in my head. Not everyone wants my opinion all of the time. Period. Being "mean" simply isn't an option for most of why is it for a few?
Name calling, bullying, shit talking....and being just plain RUDE seems to be the way alot of folk function in this day and age, and I just do not understand it.
What do certain people gain from making others feel badly?
I for one know that every once in awhile mean things are said out of anger...or a place of pain within ourselves. None of us are "perfect" we all have moments where the "mean" in us rears it's ugly head. But when it is all over, the compassionate feel bad, and learn to say "sorry".
Why is it that some people feel that they can treat anyone any way that they damn well please?

In modern times, I think most of the population could take a lesson or two from our parents of the past...and the things they taught us.

A certain type of respect that we have for all people (not just the ones u like).
Commandments of LIFE that make the world a much happier place to live.

"think before u speak"
"actions come with consequences"
"do unto others as u would have them do unto u"
"if u don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"

" a little kindness goes a long way"

Common things we have all been taught at one time or another...
Things that are somehow being slowly swept under the rug...
It's a sad world when a kid has a hard time getting an education because he doesn't want to go to school!


1 comment:

sammie said...