Sunday, March 05, 2006

Today was a good day....

Didn't start out that car wouldn't start, I had to call my "mommy" to come pick me up and give me a ride to work(but come to think of it, Im close enough to call my mommy to come help me, which in itself is a great feeling). Got to work a few minutes late, wet hair, no makeup...and to top it all off, I had a DATE after work. Yes boys and girls, you heard it right...a date. Havasu Guy. Met him in Havasu about 2-3 yrs ago. He came to visit me in Vegas a few times. We've always stayed in touch. We have amazing chemistry, always have. The only problem we have ever had was distance. I lived in Vegas, he in Orange County. Now I've moved back home, and the distance has gone from 5 1/2 -6 hrs, to 1 1/2 hrs. A HGE difference and it's a distance he has decided he is willing to travel to see me. Kewl thing is, his daughter goes to UCSB, so he has to pass right through where I live everytime he goes to see her. Being around him most of the day and until midnight tonight has made me realize how much I miss dating. You see, I've always been a very happy single girl. I'm content to be by myself, and I've never "had" to have a man like so many women I know.
Since moving back from Vegas, I've really been low low key as far as a social life is concerned. And I really don't know why. I mean, I'm back in my home town, back on MY turf. Living in a place where I know everyone, and can hardly go into a store without running into someone I know. So why such a lull in my dating/social life?? This is something I have been pondering for the past several weeks and I have come to the conclusion that it is my own fault.
I just haven't been "up" to it. Between the flu, back problems, moving, a new job...and all of that jazz...I've basically let things for ME slide. Adjusting to a whole new life after moving isn't ever easy, especially when u move from state to state. The kids and I have had to completly re-adjust and I can honestly admit, it hasn't been an easy transition. We went from being popular people with plenty of social activity and friends, to moving back home to virtually none of our friends where we left them. Up until now, we have just let it be that way. We work, come home and spend time as a family. I visit my brother, my parents...and a few of my Vegas friends have come to visit, but it's not the same. I want that comfort of going out, having friends to call to meet up for a drink...and Ive decided I'm the only one that can fix that.
Going on a date was my new start. Talking for hours, lil kisses like happy all felt good. Made me feel alive. I like George(for those of you reading in the past he is the one that is going to help me restore my old timer pickup truck!)
I've had alot on my mind lately. My brian starts spinning, and I seem to have the perfect topic to blog about...everytime I'm NO WHERE near a computer. I'm going to start making notes. Writing down my thoughts and feelings is a way that I've always dealt with shit in my life, and putting it all to paper(or computer screen in the current moment) always gives me a calming feeling. My own personal way of getting things out of my head.
I feel at peace tonight as I head to bed. Still feeling fresh kisses on my lips. The feeling of life starting once again. Doing things for ME, and finding time to put myself out there and meet people. Regain the social life I once had. Do something for myself for once.
It's been a god day.
And even though, in my life, all days are good days...this one ranked up there just a lil higher than most lately.
Sweet Dreams everyone, I know I'll be having them =)

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