Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Live and Learn....

So here I sit at work...boring day. Trying to figure out something to do that takes my mind offa everything in my chest. I see my X online(one who hasnt spoken to me in months though we have been best friends for years) I check out his profile...see if anything new is goin on in his life(no Im not a stalker...just missing someone horribly that has always been a HUGE part of my life) He has moved on, lives a new life with someone whom he swore up and down he wasnt involved with. Funny how at times, much to everyones dismay...I can be psychic. I call it like I see it, which sometimes causes alot of friction. Maybe someday I will learn to keep my mouth shut and my feelings to myself. Until then, Im destined to have issues with people that dont want to own up to what is right in front of them. Live and learn....thats all I can do. Funny when those closest to u also seem to be the farthest away. All I can do is wish good things to those I love, even when I am the "out of sight, out of mind" person.
Some strange things have happened since he stopped talking to me, it seems his newfound love has some strange interest in acting like my best friend...always contacting me, always talking to me, IM'in's kind of odd. He once wanted her and I to be friends...and now he doesn' I try to ignore her, and respect his wishes....even though he is completly oblivious to this fact. I feel like she is trying to manipulate me. She knows in the past when they werent an "item" something may have transpired between him and she plays games, acts friendly and tries to get information out of me. Funny how someone so perceptive, can be completely decieved by someone who was once psycho and now claims to be reformed. Live and's all any of us can do in life...

1 comment:

sammie said...

Thank you! Well, we have been friends for a long time, purely platonic...and it just sux when someone has an issue with that.
And that he buys into it, guess our friendship wasnt all I thought it was. Live and learn..what can ya do? So how are you liking this blogger thing? Kinda wierd to have people read yr thoughts, but its nice to know alot of people have the same issues...haha