Friday, July 29, 2005


I've always been a "list" person.
I wear scrubs at work and anytime I empty my scrub pockets u will find "lists". Grocery lists, lists of things I need, lists of bills I have to pay, lists of errends to run, lists of expenses....
I think being a "list" person is a Piscean trait. Every Pisces I know, does the same thing...we are all "list" people. And honestly I have about 5 other Pisces I hang out with:
My daughter Carina

My X Mike
My best friend Jenn
My good friend Jeff
My Co-worker Barb
the list is long, and with all of our bdays being so close together, I figure it isnt just a
coinkidink =) So imagine my enlightenment when a good friend of mine(met in the bloggin world) suggests I make a "list" to help combat the stress of everything Im trying to accomplish before I move out of state in 2 months(61 days to be exact) It's funny how I feel SO overwhelmed with everything I have to do, but I've never thought to make a list of everything. Things do much to save, what bills need to be paid off. LISTS. My solace, my way to gain control over my life. And now at THE most stressful time, Im not using my lists to help. So in saying that....I need to really thank my friend Rowdy, not only for making me realize a few things, but reminding me that writing everything down in black and white helps us all at one moment or another to gain perspective in our lives.
I feel much better now =)

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