Monday, July 25, 2005

feeling a little.......

I feel so violated. Having yr house broken into is bad enough. But when the perpetrator is someone that was a visitor in your own home. Someone that
u thought u could trust, someone yr child thought HE could just
leaves a very bad taste in yr mouth. Makes u second guess yr perception of
people. Though, I must admit...I never liked the kid. Let me re-phrase. I
thought he was "ok" when I met him...but there were a few things that he did
to make me think differently of him eventually. So why is it #1 my son let him
into my house, and #2 why did he feel comfortable enough to COME over, when
he knew I didnt want him there? I guess he simply knew I wouldnt be home.
The vision of everything in my room ransacked, everything gone through(the boy didnt leave a THING unturned, he even went as far as to go through my magazine rack in the bathroom)and my most personal things taken... has left me with a weird feeling in my chest. nothing sacred in this day and age? And what is WRONG with these
kids that they feel they can do whatever they want to WHOMEVER they want, at
any given time they want?
It has made me very angry. And now, more than wanting my laptop back...I want revenge. I want that little punk(I now know he has stolen from other people we know) to have to have SOME sort of consequences for turning my room upside down, consequences so that maybe NEXT time, he will stop and think about it before he just steals someone else's property. Its a sad state of affairs when we
as the victim have to be the one to teach these kids a lesson. WHERE ARE THEIR

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