Monday, July 18, 2005

the ability to past as many times a day as you WANT.....

Seems to give me alot more food for thought. I've always wanted to keep a journal to write down my inner most thoughts and feelings. TO just jog down silly sayings or phrases. Things that catch my eye. I've never been able to keep up in a writing journal(with actual pen and paper) my whole life, though I've made many attempts. The computer is a completely different being for me. Not only am I on one ALL day from work...but I also have several(and cable modem)at home. (Not at the moment due to technical difficulties) And now...I have my very own "online journal" and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! Did I mention I LOVE IT??? Ha ha ha.
I sometimes find myself thinking about what I want to say, and how I want to word me alot to mull around in my brain, and I like that feeling. That alive feeling of yr brain functioning.
Today has been a good day. I had a very restful weekend, but then couldn't sleep to save my ass last night. Too many things rolling around in my head. My kids, moving, money, family(in talking to my dad last night he finally tells me about some heart episodes he has been having ONCE OR TWICE A WEEK for the past few months...something he hasn't had in YEARS) and last but not least....MEN. Hahaha. Now, times like this is when u wish someone was sleeping next to you, if for nothing other than the fact that I have a rule...if yr sleeping in MY bed...put out or get out. Ha ha ha. Most men don't have any problems with that rule, and it certainly makes sleep come alot faster!
But...Since there is NO man in my bed, I opted to go at lunch and buy the 2nd book to the one I was reading all weekend. Memoirs of Augustine Burroughs. The 2nd book "Dry" moves on to his adult life. The now disfunctional child is a man...and moves to New York City. His other book "Sellevision" isn't in stock at Barnes and Noble so I had them order it. I figure I can read to help put me back to sleep. Wierd how a once avid reader can just put her books aside and never pick them back up. So, I've decided this is something I can do for me. Something to occupy my thoughts for the time before I nod off to sleep. I'm looking forward to reading these books, and then to going back to roaming the isles of my local bookstore to see what I have been missing out on.
Dont get me wrong, Im not replacing "men" with books. I do have a good friend of mine who takes care of me wonderfully in the "womans needs" department....
There is alot to be said for a "friend with benefits" and the single life and I highly recommend that everyone finds one for themselves... =)

Quote for the day:

"Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer sex raises some pretty good questions"

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