Thursday, July 14, 2005


Another day...working. Thank GOD its Thursday which means I only have another day until FRIDAY.
Im thinking whomever decided that one should work 5 days and only have two days of rest...ought to be shot!!
So Im new to this blogging thing. I have been kinda messing around with something of this sort on which is ok, but for some godforsaken reason when I signed up it added everyone in my yahoo address book to my friends list and sent everyone a request to join it. Needless to say, now my rantings can be read by everyone I know, so, in turn...I've decided to find another place to rant and rave. A place where anyone can read what I have to say, but not everyone in my life...not that I mind...but I think its easier to open up and be vunerable when u arent worrying about yr mom, brother..sister in law...x boyfriend, x access to yr every thought. (Im sure you get the point!)
It was kinda kewl to open this up this morning and to have a comment on my post, someone having the "I understand because Ive been there, done that" sentiment. It's kewl to connect with someone just by a certain experience...even if u have never met them. I, in turn started reading his blog and realized we had even more in stuff.

Ok, so if anyone is reading this, can ya help me with the links?? Ive read everything on how u can insert the command for a space for links...and try as I might, it just aint werkin in my favor!!(Weird being as I am very computer literate)
Also I want to put some pictures up, so there is a MUG to go along with the words...but still no internet at home(Its a miricle Im surviving!!!) And I cant download my pics on the work computer... I sit, faceless...hahaha.
Who knows, maybe that is better anyhow =)


sammie said...

So what is yr name anyway?? Do tell me some about u. And yes, u did make my BLOG...I never expected anyone to read anythign I had to say. This is going to be my safe haven, and Im sure I'll be posting eften =)
Always nice to see a friendly face...well not "see" but u know what I mean!!

sammie said...

How old u are, what u do for a living...ya know..all that fun stuff =)
So what were u doing in Las Vegas?