Monday, July 25, 2005

when the good...suddenly goes BADDDDD...

A tired morning.
It was a long weekend. I had a great time. GJ and Jenn came into town for GJ'sbday and they stayed at the Cannery Now when theycome into town and get a room, they always make sure they have an extra bed for Mike and I to stay with them the whole weekend. So yet another "vacation" weekendeven though I never left Vegas..ha ha haFriday night we went to Tommy Rocker's for some drinkingand dancing(more of the 1st I assure you) It was a blast.
Saturday morning we ended upjust hanging out and doing alot of nothing. Saturday night Mike's band had a partyfor GJ. The band played for several hours (I am their #1 groupie and LOVE watching them play...hmmmm....there is something about Mike playing the drums that just does something to my insides...even after all of these years)
Anyhow, to sum it up just a great weekend. Good people, good food, good friends.The perfect combination.
Last night we went and saw "Devil's Reject's" I love Rob ZOmbie(I have seen him in concert like 5 times) and I love his sadistic movies. Crazy, odd...but very interesting. The movie was awesome, but then with the way it ended I know there wont be any more sequels which SUX!!!
I return home from a fun weekend to find that someone had been in my room. (Mama bear who's sleeping in YOUR BED??) To make a long story son had his friendChris over and they were hanging out watching movies. Chris's friend Jason showed up and ended up staying over to watch "Saw". They had a few beers(yes, they are all over 21) and ended up falling asleep while the movie was on. No big deal...right? Wrongo. I guess in the morning while everyone was still sleeping Jason decided to not only go through my ENTIRE room(Even my pesonal stuff. WHO in their right mind steals a womans "toys"??)...but also to throw my LAPTOP into his backpack on the way out the door! So I get home, tired as hell...all I want to do is climb into bed, and instead I find myself running around town trying to re-coup my shit. To no avail, might I add. Chris is helping me try to figure this all out. I had to put a call in to the here I go, my week starting off on the WRONG foot...and Im sure the chances of meACTUALLY getting my laptop back are slim to NONE. Could I be any more pissed off??Probably NOT! $1,000 down the drain(and I dont have the money to replace it!!) computer for me. We'll see how this saga ends!

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